Diversity is about our ability to embrace people from varied
backgrounds with respect and ease. To do this requires the social skill of
viewing things from multiple perspectives so we can accept new ideas and new
ways of doing things. In business, where "innovation" has become the word du
jour in recent times, and society in which people of diverse backgrounds are
more and more in our spaces, our ability to embrace diversity not only makes us
mores successful business wise but also happier as individuals. In a working
life spanning several decades I have discovered that the human tendency toward
living in denial is perhaps the greatest roadblock to our ability to embrace
diversity as a way of life and doing business. Here are 6 things about denial,
not all bad, that directly impact our ability to embrace diversity.
1. Keep Calm And Carry On
When we live in denial of any reality we numb ourselves to
the impact and presence of that reality. A good example is bereavement. When
first told of the loss of a loved one, many people just cannot accept that they
will never, and I mean never, talk to, laugh with, drink with, hug, hold kiss
that person ever again. The reality is so awful we numb ourselves to it and
subconsciously deny it’s happened. Not a bad thing if you have to comfort
others reeling in shock, organise funerals and the like. You are numb with
shock, but crucially are able to function because of the shock.
2. Let’s Face The Music And Dance

3. Dodgy Logic.
We deny reality by minimisation, rationalisation and fantasising, using their logic to hide from the facts. Minimisation
as in “Oh come on its not that bad really is it?” or “well look on the bright
side, things are getting better aren’t they?” This is the logic which says,
look on the bright side, the terrorists at Charlie Hebdo could have killed 20
or 30 journalists not just 12.
to maintain denial is where explanations for behaviour are made without comment
on the value or worth of that behaviour. Saying that “well he behaves like that
because he’s never met anyone from that background,” may well be true, but
fails to acknowledge that the behaviour itself is hateful or inconsiderate. Rationalisation
feels to its victims like an excuse for bad behaviour.
Fantasising, living
in a dream world seems bizarre for adults but is very common and is one way of
dealing with unpleasant or thorny problems we cannot face. It’s almost as if by
repeating the fantasy often and long enough reality will disappear, but of
course it never does. Examples in daily life are pretending you did not very
publicly snub someone just the day before, yet meet them cheerily at the next
occasion. The denial is so effective that the victim asks themselves, “did I
imagine what happened yesterday?”, which of course they didn’t. Other ways in
which fantasies are maintained is censorship of speech where certain subjects
including diversity itself are just not welcome in polite conversation. The
unease created is a powerful way in which groups are held in line with the fantasy. If no one is talking about it, then it cannot be happening says the dream.
4. Denial Maintains The Status Quo.
Denial of a situation helps maintain stasis and never
addresses the problem. If an issue has been censored from sight, it can’t exist
and of course will never be addressed. How can you solve a problem that does
not exist?
5. Denial Is The Perfect Growth Medium For Impending Catastrophe.

6. Denial Does Not Stop By Itself.
Your comments on Denial are welcome. Can you add insights on the subject?
For coaching in managing diversity email Tet Kofi Media at tet@tekofi.com.
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